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General Assembly 2017 & Training Workshop              
DATE: Thursday 26th of October 2017, Seville, Spain

PLACE: Servicio Andaluz de Salud. Consejeria de Sallud. Junta de Andalucia.Av. de la Constitución, 18. 41071 Sevilla (España)

TIME General Assembly 2017 10.00 – 12.30
Participation is also available via online Gotomeeting for all or part of the General Assembly. Agenda: tbc                    
Training WorkshopProgramme: tbc

TIME:14.00 – 17.00                                                         

II Global Network Symposium 

DATE: Friday 27th of October 2017, Seville, Spain

PLACE: Centro Cultural de Caja Rural del Sur de Sevilla, Cl "Murillo" (near "Plaza de la Magdalena).

TIME: 10.00AM – 17.30PM

For programme and important information for registration, travel and accommodation please Forum Blog.

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