Comparison of Tobacco Control Programs Worldwide (20122016)

The study on “Comparison of Tobacco Control Programs Worldwide: A Quantitative Analysis of the 2015 WHO MPOWER Report” were recently published in the International Journal of Preventive Medicine.  This was a cross-sectional study by filling out a validated check list from the data on pages 118 to 129 of the 2015 WHO report (MPOWER). All 10 MPOWER measures were changed to indicators and getting scores. The scores were entered independently ...

New quick and easy clinic locator to help tobacco users quit (13122016)

The Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) recentlyupdated its website to include the most comprehensive map of HSEsmoking cessation support clinics around Ireland. The HSE has 74 smokingcessation clinics around Ireland in community and hospital settings to helpsupport you quit smoking for good. The new clinic locator helps tobaccousers to find a cessation support clinic near them. To browse click on link:

FCA - New Year message (17012017)

FCTC-related news, please note that COP7 decisions have now been published on the Secretariat website. FCA reminds us that the important thing to remember from the COP 7 is that the tobacco epidemic is still out of control – deaths are still rising – and the FCTC COP is the critical venue to push for a big scale-up in global efforts to control it. The FCTC is now officially part of ...

Strong tobacco control policies have prevented almost 22 million deaths since 2007 (17012017)

Tobacco-Free Kids recently published the summary below of a study that estimated the impact of countries adopting MPOWER measures. The World Health Organization (WHO) established MPOWER in 2008 to help countries implement the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). A new study published in Tobacco Control estimates the impact of countries having adopted at least one “highest level” MPOWER measure through 2014. Results are based on projections from SimSmoke, a ...

NCI-WHO Report: Tobacco Use Costs Countries Over $1 Trillion Annually, (11012017)

NCI-WHO Report: Tobacco Use Costs Countries Over $1 Trillion Annually, Making Fight Against Tobacco a Public Health and Economic Priority Statement of Matthew L. Myers, President, Campaign for Tobacco-Free KidsWASHINGTON, D.C. – A landmark global report released today provides another powerful reason why the fight against tobacco must be a priority for countries around the world: It not only saves lives, but also reduces the enormous economic toll of tobacco use. ...

Tobacco-Free Preconference -Save the Date! (18012017)

“New Way`s for the future – Looking back and thinking ahead”.This is the theme of the Tobacco-free preconference taking place on Wednesday, April 12th from 9.00 – 15.30 in Vienna. The preconference is a collaboration between the Global Network and the Austrian HPH Network. The event will provide a clear and challenging insight into tobacco control opportunities and obligations for healthcare services and professionals under FCTC and EU Directives. The GOLD Forum Event ...

E-Cigarettes - Message from the US Surgeon General (19012017)

Surgeon General of the United StatesA message to parents from Dr. Vivek H. Murthy about the value of our kids' health and well-being.THE FACTS on e-cigarette use among youth and young adults as told by the US Surgeon General.

NEW YEAR Message from Taiwan

Gold Forum Event, April 12th Vieanna

Tobacco industry attempts to be associated with the Sustainable Development Goals

The World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) theme this year is “Tobacco – a threat to development”.The African Tobacco Control Alliance (ATCA) warns of the tobacco industry attempts to be associated with the Sustainable Development Goals. An article in the issue of 13 February 2017 of the online tobacco industry magazine “Tobacco Reporter” announces the official opening of the Meridian Tobacco Company in Uganda in May this year. According to the article, ...

Latest news

Diary Dates & Network Events

General Assembly 2017All members are invited to the annual General Assembly on Thursday October 26th, Seville, Spain. Membership representation in person is strongly recommended with online participation for part or all of the ...

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Spreading the Tobacco Free Healthcare message in Aragón Region, Spain

The Hospital of Alcañizin the Aragón Region of Spain shares information on actions taken since join the Global Network 2014 to spread the tobacco free healthcare message within their hospital, to neighboring ...

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Countries Must Act to Protect Kids

Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids recently issued a press release on a study that shows Tobacco Companies Are Marketing Flavored Cigarettes to Appeal to Children in Latin America. Multinational tobacco companies are marketing a ...

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