
Tobacco smoking impact on life expectancy in 63 countries around the world (07122016)

Framework Convention Alliance report on a study published byTobacco Control that assesses the impact of tobacco smoking on life expectancyworldwide between 1980 and 2010. Cause-specific mortality data from the WHOMortality Database (1980–2010) was extracted for 63 countries.

Key Findings: Tobacco smoking is related to approximately 20percent of total adult mortality(24 percent in men and 12 percent in women) inthe 63 countries included in this study.

Key Messages: The smoking epidemic has not reached its peakin almost all countries of this study, and smoking is expected to continue tohave negative impact in countries where the epidemic has not subsided.

Full Citation: Rentería, E.,P. Jha, D. Forman, and I. Soerjomataram. "The Impact of Cigarette Smoking on Life Expectancy between1980 and 2010: A Global Perspective." Tobacco Control 25.5 (2015): 551-57.Web. Full study available from:


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