
Public Health Advocacy in September

Prof. Simon Chapman will deliver a course in “Public Health Advocacy” at the Minorca School of Public Health in September. The number of participants is limited, and the registration deadline is approaching! 

Course on “Public Health Advocacy” by Prof.Simon Chapman at the XXVII Minorca School of Public Health (19-22 September 2016)

The course (9 to 2.30 pm) will be divided between interactive lectures from Prof.Chapman on advocacy, particularly on media advocacy, and his recent research on the nature of influential research and researchers. 

All participants will participate in problem-based learning by working in small group on realistic scenarios of public health problems where advocacy is required to change public and political awareness and support. Practical information will be given on writing letters to newspapers, blogs and opinion page articles, and on strategic planning for interviews.

The course is addressed to public and community health professionals and researchers with or without experience in communicating with the media and/or politicians. There will be some mandatory pre-course tasks. All participants have to be fluent in English. The course is limited to 25 attendees, to be accepted in order of registration (deadline, 15 July).

+ info and registration


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Public Health Advocacy in September

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